
Thursday 3 November, 2005

Belated Post

Filed under: Claire's Entries — claire @ 10:09 am

Tuesday was a Public Holiday here in France, All Saints Day (Toussaint), it is tradition on this day for people to visit the grave sites of passed loved ones with flowers, typically chrysanthemums. I think this is why Halloween has been embraced in France as it falls on the eve of a holiday and it has somewhat of a connection to the holiday. Whereas Halloween has never really taken off in Australia. I do have one memory of going Trick or Treating when I was young, with my friend Louise’s Mum following along in her car while we went door to door. For whatever reason it’s the memory of her white coupe Mazda crawling along the gutter that sticks in my mind more than any door to door Halloween action. Has anyone else ever gone trick or treating?

It is common practice in France when a Public Holiday falls on either a Tuesday or Thursday to faire le pont, which translates to bridge it, i.e take the Monday or the Friday off to extend to 4 day weekend. But as Jim had taken the Friday off for London he worked the Monday so we just took it easy on the Tuesday. We lazed about in the morning, went out for brunch at our fav boulangerie and I watched the people come and go while Jim read tout le sport, it was pleasantly quiet as most people were away. In the afternoon I finally managed to get Jim to see a Woody Allen movie, Match Point. After all the fuss I made about Woody Allen’s particular style of humour, this movie was more a drama with its comic element somewhat covert. Jim surprised himself and liked it though, I think the change of location helped, it was set in London, not his usual New York, and it was nice to see sites recently visited.

In the evening Jim worked on a paper whilst I cooked one handed, the other was occupied with a very nice Bordeaux purchased from the local supermarket, Marche Plus. Then it was time for Nouvelle Star, French Idol, my excuse is it helps my French, actually it does! As with a lot of French programs most of the focus is on the dialogue, some nights you can surf the channels to find all stations featuring a round table discussion and 3 hours long at that. With Jim still working I curled up with another man, my favourite author and the thrill of starting his latest novel. Though I have to be very strict with myself as if I’m not careful I will gorge on the entire book in one sitting.

I will soon write about all the great stuff we got up to in London and post some photos. Also thanks everyone for the emails, texts, cards, gifts and phone calls for my birthday I felt very spoilt. I wasn’t feeling great about clocking up another year but thanks to my wonderful husband and his wise words and thoughtful actions I can say I am 36 with a huge smile on my face and mean it. I am a very lucky and grateful girl whatever my age.

Tuesday 1 November, 2005

Jimmy & Billy

Filed under: Claire's Entries — claire @ 12:56 pm

Vas (Billy), came across a letter Jim wrote him when they were kids, before Vas and his family moved to Brisbane. The year was 1977 and Jim would have been 4 or 5 yrs old, as Vas said, it is full of promise for the engineer Jim would become. 28 years on and the adults we are know all the wonderful childhood sentiments that letter holds. That Jim sent it and Vas kept it is no suprise to me, they have a wonderful relationship. Though it might come unstuck if Jim doesn’t hold true to his promise and deliver Vas his Dragster!!!

P.S Hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Cup Day in Melbourne.

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