
Friday 28 July, 2006

holidays & puppies & babies(calm down! other peoples!)

Filed under: Uncategorized — claire @ 5:11 pm

Well we had a fantastic time on our roadtrip, too many highlights to mention, all good! I promise I will post the photos from all our holidays before we leave for home (famous last words!).
Just had time to catch up on the washing and air the apartment and we are off again!! Mum can not believe it, she jokingly said its getting ridiculous. I say bring on the ridiculous, always been a big fan of it. Oh I should mention where we are going….England, the south west, Cornwall country. Apparantly its to go hiking and enjoy the gorgeous and varied lanscape of the area, but if the truth be told its just an elbarote ploy to cross the channel for fish n chips! Also I cant believe I’m going to say this but I need to escape this heat, it has cooled down a bit but it got so hot here recently I took an ice pack to bed!! Poor Jim rolled over for a cuddle and instead got the hairs on his chest frozen off.
Shouldn’t complain, I know you are in the middle of winter, still it cant be that bad, everytime I ring mum she’s been out gardening. A quick update on the puppies, apparently they are both gorgeous but have proven to be chalk and cheese. Sadie is a quiet sweet little girl and our Maggie is affectionate but the life of the party. Jim loves ringing mum for the latest update on Maggie’s antics. We haven’t even meet her yet but I miss her when we are away, crazy I know, but at least when we are home we can pop on the phone and find out what she’s up to. Mum just had a doggy door put in so they are learning to use it, not much success yet, they may need to get a bit bigger.

Also people have been asking how Heidi is getting along with the twins….Great! She sounds fabulous and I’ve checked she’s telling the truth, she assures me she is! She sent me some recent photos today and its offical, they are the cutest pair of bubs ever, but then so are Sophie and Joes twin girls!And then little Costas and Thomas, look we all know ALL babies are cute. Well lets tell the truth here, not all! I’ve seen some shockers on the street but ALL the babies I KNOW are cute without exception.
I had better go continue to pack and as well confirm the address of Jamie Oliver’s Cornwall restaurant, yum!

Oh and one more thing Jim has confirmed which job he’s excepted back in Melbourne but I should check with him if I can say here yet. I’d say he will pop on but if I’m bad at updating and sharing details then Jim is, well he isnt bad at it he just doesn’t do it at all!

Ok cant delay the packing anymore! xxxxx

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